I've just bought a yellow one of these to go with my existing Corsa so I thought I'd update the description.
Mine arrived with a fibreglass firewall about 4mm thick, with vents incorporated and
mounting holes drilled at 25mm radius. Wrong for the motor I'd chosen but I was able to drill mounting holes at 16mm radius to fit my motor.
A 40mm Aeronaut cool nose spinner fits perfectly.
It also arrived with servo extension leads for the two servos mounted in the tail.
The Corsa tailplane and wings fit very accurately in to the wider fuselage with everything a good tight interference fit and the colour is a good match.
I've not been able to fly it yet but I'll add to this when I do.
Next day delivery and arrived in perfect condition in stout box.Model much nicer than Webb page with excellent attention to detail and well thought out. Can highly recommend Hyperflight and this model. Carried out maiden flight today but wind was a bit strong so didn’t get a good test
It seems to do everything well and turned out great. The kit is very nicely made but slightly more difficult to assemble than expected. The servo mount shown in the videos isn’t included in the kit so you have to fabricate your own, but this is easily accomplished using some of the spare stock. Make sure to use a lightweight covering to prevent over shrinking the wing since the trailing edge side can be fragile. The BMS-101DMG servos fit perfect barely clearing the bottom of the wing. Anything wider will require some additional planning. I wish it came with a full-size plan but that would probably just increase the price.
AUW came in at 123g. Instead of the recommended equipment, I used some leftover components in the build and was very happy with how it all works together. Here is my setup:
Motor EMAX 1106-KV4500 with Graupner CAM 4.7×2.3 prop & VM 25mm Spinner for 11xx Motors
Rcvr Lemon DSMX Diversity LM0034Z
Servo 2 x Blue Bird BMS-101DMG
Batt 2S 350 HV (GNB3502S70AHV)
These Bluebird WV+ servos are great, they run well on just a single LiPo and even better with a 5V boost. I've run the 127 for speed and the 125 (and 115) for torque, with good success all around. For the size, they can't be beat IMO.
And can't close the review without five-starring the Hyperflight service. Immediate shipping and great delivery, internationally.
I’ve actually had 3 of these. One for me and the others two were fitted to models I’ve built for other people. They work really well and the 6 volt output is a good compromise if you are using HV servos. I did find one problem. If you are using a 2 cell setup, I found the motor would not start reliably. I discussed this with Neil and he suggested that the minimum voltage be reprogrammed to 2.7 volts per cell. I sent the units back to him and he adjusted them accordingly and now that problem has gone away. They were returned promptly. The issue did not occur when using 3 cells.
I haven’t tried the telemetry yet but will will see how that goes. They appear very well made.
Purchased this for its "different" construction techniques.......Quality of the kit is very very good, speed of despatch very impressive, translating the plans interesting... will likely use Hyperflight again
4 stars because it is machined beautifully. However. NB! this leaves a 4mm gap between the 25mm cn spinner and this mount. Not a good fit. It does, however, line up perfectly with the VM 25mm spinner, which hyperflight is not carrying at the moment. Can’t recommend using this unless you don’t care about your spinner lining up nicely with the nose of your sailplane.
The Genteel Lady flies amazing and is now my favorite mini glider. The modern wing provides good speed and penetration but still manages to thermal very well.
The Sunnysky R1106 5500 RPM motor fits nicely and provides more than enough thrust when coupled with a Graupner CAM 4.7x2.3" folding prop.
This is such a great product for model yachts. I just hate to remove and replace deck patches when it's raining. At a full day event I can turn the yacht off after a heat race and wait for the next one consuming no battery energy while most others are still depleting their batteries.
I can prepare my yacht the night before an event and know that battery drain overnight will be negligible.
Have bought 4 of these so far and am delighted!
I brought this kit to have a go at the local RES 2metre class comps.
Upon opening the simple cardboard box I was pleased to see some very nice and well chosen balsa and ply and a really good quality plan. Also included were building jigs for the wing ribs . These are very accurate and useful for alignment of the wing ribs etc.
The whole kit goes together very well but I would suggest you take your time and study the plan and instructions before you commit to adding any glue.(That goes for any kit really).
The wing is very stiff and light. I covered my model with transparent Profilm but used the Delux materials Covergrip to give extra adhesion to the ribs on the undercambered areas. I used a Dualsky XM2523-23 2300 motor on a 2 cell 550mah Lipo and a 6x4 prop. KST X06 servos for the fuselage and Bluebird BMS101HV servos for the spoilers.
The model went together well but with care. Total weight of the model completely ready to fly is 438 grams. I’ve only had a couple of flights so far but is shows promise. The spoilers are very effective and it definitely responds well to lift.
Ordered in the afternoon and it came the next day, no instructions but you don't need any, there's a Facebook group just for this model and I got a few questions answered with pictures of other owners build which was very helpful, excellent quality for the money, a bit of a bargain I would say
Got quite a few items from Neil. I have got to the point now that if Neil sells it then the quality can be trusted. The MPJ Clevis are very well moulded and accurate. My first time with such small items, never fail to be amazed how such items can be so accurate, perfect function and fit for purpose.
I'm 75% through the build and impressed with the quality wood and great laser cutting. The lack of English instructions doesn't help and there is plenty of thought before glue is applied. It's worth checking the translation of the manual for the Inside F5J as it's from the same manufacturer and much of the construction is similar.
Good motor, drives a 13x8 prop pulling 10 amps on a 3s battery, gives a vertical climb on my x-res circle dancer.
Two things to be aware of:
Mounting screw holes are very close to the centre so you have to be careful drilling the firewall.
If you don't have good ventilation the heat from the motor soaks through to the gearbox and eventually the drive pinion separates from the motor drive shaft. The good news is that it's very easy to take the gearbox off and reattach the pinion with high strength locktite.
This is the third U2 I have had these servos on. Two were bought used and I just built a new one. All have had bearing servo trays - do you really need bearing trays? I don't know but it sure makes a bullet proof install.
Great servos even when you can't get the full travel on the servo. Very repeatable positioning.
My building space is occupied at the moment but I am impressed with the service, prices and the speed at which this model was dispatched to the other side of the world (I'm in Australia). Rest assured I am itching to get this model built so I can toss it off a sand dune soon
I bought 4 of these servos for a DLG as recommended by Hyperflight and I have to throw away all 4 because they center so badly that they are unusable.
I put the KST ones in the plane and they are perfect.
I think it is wrong that these servos are recommended, or even sold, since they are really unusable.
I don't understand people who give it 5 stars. It is possible that I have gotten defective ones, but 4 out of 4 is very rare.