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Strike 3 DLG 1m

Product Code: STRIKE3
 (17 reviews)

Price: $358.99

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The Strike 3 is a lovely 1m discus launched glider from Ukraine. It has the best quality of construction and aerodynamic design of all the small DLGs we sell, and a performance close to that of a 1.5m model. The big benefit over the Strike 2 is Rohacell cored flying surfaces.

The Strike 3 is superbly made using 30 g/m2 Carboline spread carbon, the model is exceptionally light, while also being strong and very rigid, allowing high launches. Still air times of 2 minutes have been reported by strong launchers, and pilots enjoy the excellent performance and sweet handling. Its full span ailerons allow camber adjustment in flight, giving it a wide speed range, allowing it to be flown in moderate winds, which is unusual for 1m gliders.

The Strike3's fuselage is a one piece (not pod and boom) design with the front part made from 2.4GHz friendly glass. From the wing rearwards it is made from very light but strong from spread carbon. A slip-on 2.4GHz friendly glassfibre nosecone to gives good access to the radio gear. The nose area of the latest design of fuselages have large cut outs on either side, allowing easy installation on the servos. The fuselage has servo mounting blocks ready molded in place, which the servos are glued to. All four servos are mounted in the pod to minimise nose weight and yaw inertia. The RC installation is fairly cramped installation so we don't recommend the Strike 3 as a first discus launch glider.

The tailplane (horizontal stabiliser) is bolted onto a small pylon mounted below the boom, and the fin (vertical stabiliser) has a perfectly matching hole molded into it, enabling easy mounting onto the end of the tailboom. The tailplane and fin are superbly molded "scale models" of 1.5m DLG tail surfaces, and weigh less than 3 g each.

The Strike 3 wing is solid molded with a spread carbon skin over a CNC cut Rohacell 31 core. This is a stronger more dimensionally stable foam resulting in a more rigid wing that will retain a good surface finish for longer. The wing is a beautifully made spread carbon molded structure. It is incredibly light and strong, and has a perfect surface finish. The ailerons are fabricated with a living hinge. The only work required to finish the wings is installing the throwing blade and control horns.

The Strike 3 DLG is supplied with a very complete accessory pack, tail control horns, pushrod wires, tail torque springs, tail pull cord, a tail mounting pylon, and a nice throwing blade. See this RCGroups thread for the latest info. Note the current version uses conventional aileron horns as the previous internal ones made the model difficult to assemble on the field.

Strike 3 DLG Specifications
Wing span 1.0 m 39 in
Wing area 10.9 dm2 169 sq in
Length 70 cm 27.6 in
Flying weight from 115 g 4.1 oz
Wing loading 10.6 g/dm 3.5 oz/sq ft
Aspect ratio 9.2
Wing airfoil Custom 6.5%
Dihedral angle 7.0º
Centre of Gravity 53-58 mm from wing leading edge
Controls Rudder, elevator, ailerons

Strike 3 DLG Typical Weights
Fuselage 20.5 g 0.7 oz
Wings 45.0 g 1.6 oz
Fin 2.9 g 0.1 oz
Tailplane 2.7 g 0.1 oz
Accessories 5.2 g 0.2 oz
Total structure 76.3 g 2.7 oz
Glue; mounts etc 4.0 g 0.1 oz
Receiver 5.0 g 0.2 oz
Tail servos 10.0 g 0.4 oz
Wing servos 10.0 g 0.4 oz
Battery 10.0 g 0.4 oz
Flying weight 115.3 g 4.1 oz

Recommended R/C-nano gear only
Elevator & rudder servos KST X06N, Blue Bird BMS-101DMG, Blue Bird BMS-101HV, MKS HV70
Aileron servos KST X06N, Blue Bird BMS-101DMG, Blue Bird BMS-101HV, MKS HV70
Receiver *case removed Spektrum AR6260*, AR6100e, AR400, Futaba R6004FF*, FrSky X4R, Orange DSM2 compatible, Jeti Duplex R5, Multiplex Mlink RX-6-DR Light*
Battery Hyperflight 150 mAh 4.8V NiMH, Radient 1S 500 mAh LiPo, Radient 1S 600 mAh LiPo

Strike 3 Control Throws
Rudder 10 mm each way
Elevator 9 mm up / 7 mm down
Ailerons 6 mm up / 5 mm down
Camber Settings
Cruise 0 mm
Thermal 1 2 mm down
Max thermal 6 mm down

Reviews 17  

 Review by:

Like a little NRJ

It's a great flying little DLG. I used a Radiomaster ER6GV receiver, 2x KST X06 and 2x Dymond D47. Balanced out perfectly at 117g with a 380mAh lipo and no additional nose weight. I have one steel and one nylon screw holding the tail on to adjust the CG ever so slightly forward.

Servo positions were inverted, with the heavier flap servos forward and the servo brick was pushed as far forward as possible, while still allowing for battery removal. I used 1.8mm carbon tubes for the flap pushrods, and left them floating as opposed to the provided steel pushrods inside ABS tubes. Stiff, light, no flutter but also no drag in the linkages, so the flaps have excellent centering.

Servo connector pins were removed from the Rx, servo leads were shortened and soldered directly to the Rx PCB, which saved about 4g.

This model is sensitive to CG changes and requires high quality servos to fly well. I can launch it to about 50 meters and it floats amazingly well with camber, and zips around the field with reflex. It really is like a little NRJ.

 Review by:

Excellent 1 meter DLG, but not for beginners

I have flown several 1.5 and 1 meter DLGs, and the Strike 3 is, to me, the best of its class. It really penetrates a moderate breeze and can thermal with ease.

However, it is NOT a beginner's DLG. The lack of instructions makes it a challenge to build for someone who has never built a DLG before, and it becomes necessary to refer to online RC groups or google the instructions. In addition, what makes it really challenging is the installation of the radio equipment.

The space is very tight and one must plan very carefully how to install the servos, battery, and receiver; it is also necessary to plan how one is going to route all of the servo and battery wires in a very tight space.

However, the reward is a 1 meter sailplane that can perform almost like a 1.5 meter one. It also launches high and even a relatively soft discus rotation will give considerable altitude.

It is also very nimble and sensitive to inputs-another reason why it is not a beginner sailplane. It requires to set up the pane precisely for optimal performance.

The deliver from the UK to Los Angeles, California was very, very quick (took less than a week and the plane arrived in perfect condition).

 Review by:

Perfect intro to DLG - but no instructions!

I've had a couple of 1.5m DLG and this plane is a much nicer intro to the sport. Its still very efficient and floaty but being small and light has less momentum so far less likely to damage it on poor landings. All the great DLG flying characteristics are there.
Though I've built two DLGs previously, having no instructions is one hell of a learning curve. You can scrape most of what you need from these reviews and one youtube review, but some stuff on rcgroups is out of date, and the rest I guessed and got lucky. Pull string with torsion springs - all new to me! Get through that and its very rewarding to fly. Pro tip - get wing bags! So much easier to move in/out of car, up/down stairs (danger areas!)

 Review by:

My experiences

Hello everyone

I bought the Strike 3 here at Hyperflight a month ago. Shipping to Switzerland took a week, including Swiss customs. Many thanks at this point for the great service!
The Strike 3 is a very good glider and a lot of fun to fly. I installed four KST X06N Servos and an stripped Spectrum AR6610T with altimeter. With a Gens Ace 1s 350mAh battery I came up with a flying weight of exactly 120g.
Unfortunately, the boom broke in the first hour - during launch. It turned out, that the included torsion wire, which I had bent into a C shape, was way too strong (both, Rudder and vertical Stabilizator). Now I took a much softer 0.5mm Music Wire and only bent the legs 90 degrees to each other (not 180 then before in the C-bend). The resulting force is about half - but that's still strong enough-no blow back till now " launch hights 30 to 35m. I have had very good experiences with a CG far back as 57 or 58mm - glides much nicer.
So that's my 2 cents - lots of fun, to all DLG-pilots around the globe!


 Review by:

Perfect little flyer

Very high quality kit, perfect service from HyperFlight, shipping to Germany beneath 3 days 😲

 Review by:

Strike 3 dlg

Super DLG. Arrivé rapidement dans très bon emballage, Merci Neil. Montage fait avec 4 servos Hitec HS-40 de 4.8gr avec cables raccourcis et servo poncés jusqu'à 8mm d'épaisseur et collés en bloc pour rentrer dans le fuselage très petit. RX Graupner GR12-SH de 1.6gr, lipo 2s 300mAh de 16gr et U.bec de 3gr . CG à 53mm avec 4.5gr de plomb dans de nez et un poids total en ordre de vol de 112 grammes mais mérite du leste dans le vent. Vol super bien après réglages, même dans le vent de 20 à 30 KM/H.
Site de vol: une petite colline à côté de chez moi. Trop froid en ce moment pour trouver des thermiques mais je pense que cet avion est vraiment le top du top. Très beau, très solide, très léger, Un peu délicat à construire mais je recommande vivement ce planeur.

 Review by:

An Excellent Glider

This is a great flying, high quality glider. The build was fun but slightly tricky so a little patience is required. This was my first DLG build. Some notes that may assist you:
- Mine didnt arrive with the M2 screws required for the horizontal stab. (2x6mm countersunk seems perfect)
- I had to trim and recrimp all the servo leads to remove all excess (test them first). This was important as the space inside is very tight. (I used a Jeti 5ch rx, which is quite large)
- Mine arrived with a curved throwing blade that needed a slot cutting through the wing. I positioned mine 10mm forward of the hingeline and 14mm in from the wingtip measured at the hingline.
- Mounting the blade I went slowly drilling a series of holes just slightly smaller than the width of the blade. I then linked them all together using a fresh sharp scalpel and smoothed to the correct shape. Fixed in place with epoxy. I then learned that you should make a hardpoint in the wing... So using some 0.5mm carbon sheet I made 2 teardrop shaped patches and slotted them for the blade. Chamfered the edges alot and skimmed the thickness down a bit. Fixed on both sides of wing with epoxy thickened with microballoons. Seems to be very strong so far after around 70 launches.
As a noob to DLGs I can definitely recommend the Strike 3, its a very nice looking and excellent flying glider. You just have to spend some time thinking about the best way to fit everything in the front, don't rush it.

 Review by:

Strike 3 Review

The Strike 3 is a quality one metre span DLG with an excellent surface finish and is commendably light, though some care and forethought is necessary to install everything in the very cramped space in the fuselage. However, the removable nosecone is a bonus for easy access.
No instructions are supplied so you are left to your own devices for the installation, relying on anything you can glean from the internet and your own experience and expertise. Nano servos and the smallest receiver are a must. Rudder and elevator rely on traditional torque springs, which are a little on the stiff side, with Kevlar string for the pull. You have to very carefully cut into the carbon surface to mount the control horns, one for a new sharp blade. Each aileron has its own servo which is connected to the surface by a piano wire pushrod. Careful wire bending is required as there is no room for including adjustment. Again, careful cutting into the carbon surface is needed to mount the control horn and it is recommended that the horn is away from the inner aileron edge to facilitate wing removal by pushing the piano wire out of the horn. No room for a clevis.
To put four servos, battery and receiver all into the confined space of the nose and fuselage was akin to a three-dimensional puzzle but the nose design does give good access. Internal layout ended up with the battery fully forward in the nose, next the block of four servos as forward as they will go followed by the receiver under the wing, with all servo wires carefully taped flat under the receiver. Each servo had its mounting lugs cut off to make a block two by two glued together with UHU Por and wrapped in tape to glue into the nose. No lead was needed to achieve a balance. A nice launching blade is included but you are left to your own devices as to where it should be placed. Carefully drilling a succession of holes and filing out to create a slot in the wingtip proved nerve wracking but successful and the blade epoxied in with a nice fillet for strength. Carbon reinforcement for the throwing blade could be included for strong launchers if you want to be doubly sure.
Battery: 2S, 300mA/Hr., LiPo.
Servos: 4 x Bluebird BMS – 101HV.
Receiver: JETI 5ch.
Flying weight was 123g and control throws proved satisfactory as a starting point on Hyperflight recommendations.
Test glides were easy and once trimmed, a good launch height was effortlessly achieved with a straight track. Central CG location was preferred as it is a bit frisky further aft. If flown a little faster it has a superb all-round performance and on a marginal day for lift, a test flight of seven and a half minutes was exhilarating.
Altogether the Strike 3 has a superb performance, is easy to fly and a good looker. The nose cone for easy access to the battery and servos is a great design point, but the DLG is really for an experienced builder and it desperately needs some instructions.
Once built, the Strike 3 is a great 1m DLG. Highly recommended.

 Review by:

Currently constructing the Strike 3, it is a quality model and well packaged for delivery by Hyperflight

 Review by:


 Review by:


 Review by:

Strike 3 smiley face

I received this plane last autumn but, for various reasons, I've only just got round to building and flying.
I'm a re-entrant to rc flying and thermal gliders has always been my main interest. DLG is completely new to me so I did plenty of research before I settled on a Strike 3.
The model was received quickly, perfectly packed and the build quality lived up to others reviews.
I really took my time but there's plenty of info available online even though there's no instructions with it. Neil was quite happy to give advice on a little problem I had.
I fitted it with Bluebird 101 DMG servos, 1s 600mah lipo and MPX 5ch uncased rx.
There was the perfect amount of room for everything to fit. With the 600mah acc I had to add a bit of tailweight to get the cg at 57mm but it's come out at 129gms, bit heavier than I wanted but still an acceptable wing loading.
Today I gave it, and me, the first workout and I've still got a big smile on my face. I'm knocking on a bit so my launches were only to a modest 50-60ft so far but I still managed to get a couple of areas of lift that spun the flights out. As my confidence grew then I was able to get a consistent height and, eventually, I contacted a good thermal and up it went like a homesick Angel.
It is a very agile glider and I know it exceeds my abilities but I'm so glad I went for it because it flies beautifully. Full flap, combi-switch, thermal, speed, snapflap and cruise, it's still perfectly manageable.
Thanks to Strike 3 I'm definitely addicted to DLG.

 Review by:

strike 3

Received well packaged .looks like quality product.have not assembled yet, as I am busy flying my recently purchased "hawk "from hyperflight.Another great dlg.Have had very, very good service from Neil and staff.

 Review by:

Arrived very well packed. High quality glider. Amazing performance.

 Review by:

Very nicely build mode. Excellent service from Neil and company. Had some shipping time limitations which Hyperflight met for me.

 Review by:

Excellent sailplane

This is a magnificent DLG. Quality and performance are ahead of strike 2 (which was already great).

It does launch higher than the strike 2, and it floats more.

 Review by:

Strike 3

The quality of the strike 3 is amazing 😀

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