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Pug 2 V Tail Upgrade

Product Code: PUG-V-TAIL
 (1 review)

Price: $5.49

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Add-on kit to convert the PUG 2 glider to have a V tail. Contains balsa wood tail, 3D printed tail mount and instruction sheet. The V tail utilises the control horns as provided in the standard kit and is for a 4mm tailboom.

Now without the lightening holes as it is now made from lighter grade balsa. The holes reduced strength and caused difficulties when covering.

This upgrade is a great option for slope and hi-start fliers, but is a no-no for discus launchers. The V tail looks cool and flies great on the slope but will badly affect discus launches and could even cause structural failure.

Do not attempt to discus launch a Pug2 with a V tail.

Reviews 1  

 Review by:

Pug V2

Very nice kit although a little fiddly, you need to be very patient and gentle when building, Built with the V-tail and fly her off the slope in 2-5 mph wind. Goes very well nice to have in the quiver for the quieter days.

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