Comment by: Mark Mollenhauer
Needs geared motorI didn't see the geared motor recommended for the kit online when I built it, so I re-invented it for an outrunner. My design didn't work. I'd still buy the kit, just for the laser cut plywood insert, and possibly the triangles.
I'd use a 35 g motor about 90mm forward of SP5, with a regular octagon 18 mm on a side with five degrees of down thrust, and let the sides and triangles taper to a 7 mm thick former at the nose with horizontal grain. Also, I'd taper the bottom sides and top to be 14 mm across at the end. Not that I've thought about it at all, lol. If I ever build one, I'll put up a build log.
if you're confused about how it goes together, look at cad2cnc's website for the Tango instructions. Pretty good pictures there.