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Clear Streamlined Antenna Supports (2)

Product Code: MK-AERIAL-SUP2
 (2 reviews)

Price: $12.92

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A pair of beautiful low drag antenna covers for 2.4GHz receivers. Made from clear perspex type plastic these jewel-like antenna covers both protect the aerials and look great.

They can be permanently mounted by gluing with epoxy adhesives or UHU Hart. However that risks damaging the fuselage so we recommend a more elastic adhesive such as UHU Por, Evostick, or other rubbery glue.

Another alternative is cyanoacrylate (CA) super-glue, this is less strong than epoxy but stronger than the elastic glues.

Reviews 2  

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Streamline antenna supports

Really like these best ones yet definitely recommend, service reliable as always

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This is the perfect and elegant way to protect that most vital and vulnerable part of a glider - the antenna - and also to keep the whiskers in the correct 90-degree orientation to each other.

Unless your flying field is like a billiard table with very short grass, antennae without protection are almost certainly going to get out of shape every time you land, and eventually this will lead to fatigue and possibly eventual failure.

These covers are the ultimate solution, and are a small price to pay for peace of mind. Brilliant!

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